Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Remember to show mercy

Jude 1: 22-23

22Be merciful to those who doubt; 23snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

Christ was a source for immeasurable mercy. HE did not beat people over the head with his teachings, and demand they listen. HE came to earth to save everyone that he could, but to the ones who would deny him, he gave mercy. Doubt is a very common problem / emotion, and doubt is not to be confused with non-belief. Even Thomas doubted. We all have doubt from time to time. One of the best ways I have found to strengthen my faith, is to question it. The Lord always provides an answer. SO often people act as if there is something wrong with challenging the concept of Faith. Personally I believe you should hang a question mark on everything that you think of as fact from time to time. It provides a way for you to critically think about what you do believe in and why. As I have said before, you should know why you believe what you do. “because that is how I was raised” is not a good answer. We are all free thinking people, we should each accept Christ, not because our parents did, but because we have seen the truth for ourselves.

I think the key is in the last part of the passage, show mercy with fear. Here again it is important to remember that with the exception of the money changers in the temple, Christ always showed those around him respect. Christ was well aware of what was to come, but he did not force anyone to follow. He did not slight others for their belief. He only put his way out to them as a viable option, and informed them of what was to come. It was up to them to believe or not. HE offered them his mercy, he offered his grace, he did not offer his wrath. As it says in Romans 12:19 Leave room for God’s wrath.

I always come back to this because I think this is part of our problem today within the Christian faith. We, like Christ, want everyone to be saved. AS a result, many feel compelled to preach the word and condemn all who will not “fall in line”. Christ was an example of peace, his teachings were peaceful, full of mercy, and grace. I think that when we only do half of the work (preaching the word of Christ) and do not have mercy, and respect for others, we demean the work of Christ. It is quite unintentional, but it does more harm than good. So remember to show mercy, even when it is hard….no especially when it is hard.

Rev. T

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