Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Luke 13-14
13And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 14In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.

We all feel lost from time to time. Not sure of where are going, or not sure why we are at this point in our life. We question, our accomplishments, and wonder why we chose one path over the other. All too often we find ourselves in a place where that past is a blur, and the future is not only unknown, but often we might think there is nothing to see.

We all knock around and stumble through this life for at least part of our lives….some longer than others. If we really think about it though, most are not really looking for anything; they just know they want a change. They do not know where they want to go; they just know they do not want to keep going on the path they are on.

Well I have a secret, no one is really sure of where they are going. Even the most confident people in the world might think they know where they are headed, but they are not sure. They can’t be, because none of us know the path that God has laid out in front of us. We like to fool ourselves, and say we have it together, or that we know where we are going, so sure, so confident, in the end all we know is what path we are on, where the next turn takes us, or what is over the next hill will not be known until we get there. So where do we turn?

There are always people around who will tell you about the latest great self-discovery method, or about the next up and coming Hollywood guru who has all of the answers, they all will say they have the secret. Let me be the first to say they are all wrong. You already have the answer. It is inside of you, you just need to find it. I would suggest praying on it. Pick up a bible read; reflect on what it means to you, and above all talk to the Lord.

I want to be clear about something, people always assume that praying brings about some brainwashing effect that produces nothing but Jesus freaks on steroids, or that by spending time with the Lord you turn in to some guy like me who writes several times a week about God, and how he works in our lives. I don’t mean to make those things sound like they are a bad effect, they are not, and I love where the Lord has taken me; but I know that people that are lost have that fear. They are scared. I get it, I don’t agree with it, but I get it.

You become what you were born to be, it is really that simple. Many people do find their calling in life turns out to be carrying out the Lords work, however many find that their calling takes them into a different direction in the private sector than where they are now, or it might be that they are called to take on a different role than they now have. I work with people daily that are living good lives, they are happy they have realized that they do not control the boat, and they look to the Lord for direction. He has a plan for each of us; if we learn to rely on him he will show us the way.

There is no need to feel lost, we are all searching, and no one is alone in this. The Good news is that the Lord is searching for us. He is always looking for the lost, if you recall the story of the lost sheep (Luke 15), you will remember that when he finds one lost sheep he is happier about that, than he is about the flock that stayed together. If we look and listen; if we ask for help, and guidance, we will be show the way, and where we end up might not be where we thought we were going at all, but I can promise you if you will give the Lord the faith he needs to work, you will be where he wants you to be. In the end, that is what counts.

Rev. Thetford

1 comment:

Water for the Panting Deer said...

Very encouraging ... thanks for posting!

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