Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Following Christ in faith

Luke 9:62
Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

We cannot just follow the Lord when it is easy. It is when we are at the lowest we should lean on him the most, yet so often that is when we turn back to the old comfortable things that we know. We have to have faith in the Lord. We should allow him to work in our lives not just when things are coasting along, but when the road gets bumpy. The Lord is strongest when we are at our weakest point. (Psalm 34:19.

Once we decide to follow Christ we should make every effort to continue in a forward motion. That is what Christ meant by not looking back. When hard times fall on us instead of focusing on those problems, and falling back in to the old habits, we should focus on our God. We can’t get caught up in the way it used to be, or it was so much easier when. God has told us that if we have faith in him, weapons built against us will not prosper. If we were to have the faith of a mustard seed, we could command a mountain to throw itself into the sea and it would.

Knowing this, how could we consider looking back? The Lord will not forsake you, he will stand by your side. There is no doubt that people will try to convince you differently. People love to drag you down to their level. They will tell you all the reasons under the sun why you should not believe. Why you should turn your back on God. Sadly enough, people feel better when they get someone down with them. Don't let them steal your faith! Don't let them cause you to look back. Keep your head high and hang on to your faith.
The Lord will sustain you; he will guide you through your toughest times. Put your faith in him, and he will fill your cup to the point it overflows. Trust in him, and don't look back.
Rev. T


Alexander said...

...and as an added bonus, we can always fellowship! Giving a shout out to our brothers and sisters, making a phone call, or just hanging out. What a wonderful way to replenish our soul!

Thanks for the refreshment!

Kate said...

Great blog concept...a great ministry.